Tag Archives: George Soros

The Great Reset

What on earth are they thinking???

The great reset is a dream for some, a globalist conspiracy to others.
For its promoters and the globalist left it is a great promise, for everybody else, it is a great threat.
For its proponents, it is a great plan of enlightened visionaries, for its opponents, it is a globalist conspiracy for our enslavement and exploitation.
Questioning the benevolence of its promoters or expressing any kind of concern about it is labeled a conspiracy theory.
If you agree with the agenda, then it is a wonderful plan, if you don’t, you will be told that it does not even exist. The only conspiracy around is your attempt to besmirch the benevolent efforts of well-meaning philanthropists who have nothing but your happiness on their mind. They want to take everything away from you, so that you won’t have to worry. “You will own nothing, and you will be happy” Continue reading →

Penance and redemption

Dear Mr.  President,

After pouring my frustration out on you in my last letter, I am writing this to say what, in my humble opinion, you could and should do to minimize the damage your loss of the presidency is doing to your supporters, to the America you love and to the rest of us who looked at the USA as a beacon of free market economies, Western civilization and the rule of law.

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The sins of Donald Trump

Dear Mr. President,

As a Canadian, I have no standing in the case between you and your people. Still, I believe I have a stake in the fate of the United States which is inextricably linked to the fate of Western civilization. I am part of that civilization which was put into mortal danger by the mistakes that led to the loss of your office.

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To the Viktor go the spoils

There were massive protests in Budapest last weekend (2018-04-14). The people were protesting the results of the election a week prior. They were asking for:

In a Facebook post before the rally, organisers called for a recount of ballots, free media, a new election law, as well as more efficient cooperation among opposition parties instead of the bickering seen in the run-up to the vote.  (The Guardian)

The organisers of the anti-Orban protests have demanded a recount of all ballots, a new election law, a non-partisan public media, and better organised co-operation among parties opposed to the Fidesz government.  (BBC World)

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Should they be jailed?

When I started my wish list for the Trump presidency in November, the first item on it was:

Put Hillary in jail.
Seriously. Jail the bitch, but properly. Full investigation with no direct presidential involvement of any kind. Just open the door. Let the FBI do the work. The Clintons are common criminals, treat them as such. Have their past crimes investigated as well. There must have been many people involved in covering them up, all you need is to make a few to turn to open the floodgates of information leading to the truth.

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To some, no lives matter

2016-07-09 No Lives Matter

“I smell a race war brewing”
This was a comment to a Black Pigeon Speaks video commenting on the Dallas events.
I do not want to get into the details of the numbers on black vs white crime and victimization or police brutality, as numbers on those subjects are widely available. Paul Joseph Watson made this video as a commentary on Black Lives Matter just hours before the shooting in Dallas and Stefan Molyneux had his comments  with impeccable sourcing of statistics just after.
Ben Shapiro made a short presentation on the subject last fall and made the same points in a debate around the same time. Continue reading →