Category Archives: American Politics

Penance and redemption

Dear Mr.  President,

After pouring my frustration out on you in my last letter, I am writing this to say what, in my humble opinion, you could and should do to minimize the damage your loss of the presidency is doing to your supporters, to the America you love and to the rest of us who looked at the USA as a beacon of free market economies, Western civilization and the rule of law.

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The sins of Donald Trump

Dear Mr. President,

As a Canadian, I have no standing in the case between you and your people. Still, I believe I have a stake in the fate of the United States which is inextricably linked to the fate of Western civilization. I am part of that civilization which was put into mortal danger by the mistakes that led to the loss of your office.

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I was asked in a conversation what is my take on the events of 2021/01/6
“Still on the Trump Train? Not concerned about the integrity of democratic system at all?”

I answered: I don’t know what it means to be “on the Trump train.”
I also don’t know what do you mean when you say “not being concerned about the integrity of the democratic system at all”
This whole past month was about the integrity of the democratic system which rests upon the integrity of elections. I am more concerned about it than ever. I did not know that I was on the Trump Train. I don’t even know what that means. Continue reading →

Saint Donald and the Demoncrats

I got into a few interesting conversations recently about Donald Trump and the election mess the US is dealing with. What connects them, is the visceral hatred, disgust or anger about this one person. The reaction to his persona, his demeanor, his behaviour, his mannerism. Their viscerally negative reaction is beyond any reason. As if they were possessed by a demon preventing them from acting rationally. Some even found a name for this condition: Trump Derangement Syndrome. Continue reading →

MLK’s dream, LBJ’s goal, Biden’s proclamation

How did we get from MLK to Biden? From the dream of equality to the proclamation that unless you submit yourself to the ideological masters of the vote-plantation, your identity is irrelevant? How did the democrats pull it off?
Like they do with everything else. Lies and manipulation, threats and bribery, scaring voters with boogeymen and offering socialism as the solution. Continue reading →

Donald Trump and his coat stealing business

Let me share a joke with you.

News from the society pages of the Pleasantville Courier:

In the beautiful spring weekend we just had, the Corso was filled with the cream of Pleasantville society. The only unpleasant moment of the day was the discovery that Mr. Stein’s beautiful new coat was stolen while he was having dinner with his family. The police are investigating the unseemly crime.

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A tale of two maps

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

(Charles Dickens: A tale of Two Cities)

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Should they be jailed?

When I started my wish list for the Trump presidency in November, the first item on it was:

Put Hillary in jail.
Seriously. Jail the bitch, but properly. Full investigation with no direct presidential involvement of any kind. Just open the door. Let the FBI do the work. The Clintons are common criminals, treat them as such. Have their past crimes investigated as well. There must have been many people involved in covering them up, all you need is to make a few to turn to open the floodgates of information leading to the truth.

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Getting it wrong #2


I had a bet with a friend about the outcome of the presidential election. She made several bets to say that Hillary Clinton will win. Her betting was a sort of hedging. She wished for a Trump victory, but she also believed the predictions and considered the socialist juggernaut unstoppable. Winning the bets would have been a consolation prize for the loss of her preferred choice.

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